26 Ocak 2022 Çarşamba


        Ramen is a Chinese food and its first name is "La Mein".
        In 1880s, some Chinese workers were working in Japan. In Japan, the Chinese workers ate it because Japanese food was expensive. But making Ramen was cheaper than other dishes. Japanese people who liked Ramen started to eat it. Japanese people used more different ingredients than the Chinese people when they made Ramen. 
        Ramen's other names are "Nankin Soba, Shina Soba, Chuka Soba". It is a dish that some young people like it in Turkey. The first Ramen restaurant is "Tas Ramen" in Turkey. 
         Cow Meat
         Herbals (packaged spices are prepared, the interior is not clear)
         Fresh onion
         Soy sauce 
         Sesame oil 
         Soybean sprouts 

    1. Boil cow meat with herbals and garlic
    2. Strain the meat (you don't pour meat's water)
    3. Boil meat's water with sesame oil and soy sauce
    4. You shoul knead dough with egg, water and flour
    5. Cut the dough (You can use the dough maker)
    6. Boil the dough you cut
    7. Put the cooked ramen dough on the serving bowl, then pour the meat's water on
    8. Chop the fresh onion, boiled egg, cow meat and soybean sprouts (You can use other vegetables if you want)

        Enjoy your meal :))

        Rukiye SHL

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