29 Ocak 2022 Cumartesi

My Favorite Cartoon Character

       My favorite cartoon character is LADYBUG.

        Her real name is Marinette. She is a high school student. She is thin and she has blue eyes and blue hair. She lives with her family in Paris. 

        She is very cheerful, clumsy, excited, hasty and helpful.

        She is very happy where she lives. But there are some super evil powers. That's why she was chosen by someone to protect Paris. So now she is a superhero. But no one knows she's LADYBUG. No one should know this secret. She can use super powers with her earrings and kwami. Her kwami's name isTikki. It is very cute.

    She has some strange powers and she has a lucky charm. This charm gives her luck. So LADYBUG is a wonderful superhero.

        Hayrunnisa SHL Prep/A

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