Wish Dragon is a 2021 computer-animated fantasy comedy film written and directed by Chris Appelhans and produced by Sony Pictures Animation and Tencent Pictures. The film stars Jimmy Wong, John Cho, Constance Wu, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Jimmy O. Yang, Aaron Yoo, Will Yun Lee, and Ronny Chieng. Jackie Chan produced the film and voiced Cho's role in the Chinese Mandarin version. The characters were voiced in both Chinese and English releases of the film. Wish Dragon was released theatrically in China on January 15, 2021 and on Netflix internationally on June 11, 2021.
The plot is about a guy ,who named Din, receives a teapot and learns that it has a dragon which can his wishes come true. And of course there is evil guys who want the teapot for themselves so they try to take it from Din. Din tries his best to get rid of from those people and makes his 3 wishes.
The film is for every ages so you can watch with your family. When you watch I'm sure that you will smile a little or even laugh.
In a nutshell, I recommend this film and offering who loves animation films.
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