Feel the Beat is a 2020 drama, comedy, and inspirational film written by Shawn Ku and Michael Bruster and produced by Netflix. The movie stars Sofia Carson, Wolfgang Novogratz, Donna Lynne Champlin, Eva Hauge, Rex Lee, Lydia Jewett, Brandon Kyle Goodman, and Sadie Lapidus. Feel the Beat was released on 19 June 2020.
Plot: An egocentric dancer who fails her Broadway audition returns to her hometown and agrees to prepare a group of hopeful teenagers for a big pageant and this movie then tells about the adventure of dance teachers and children
The movie is for people 7 years and older.
I am sure that you will have a lot of fun, get a little emotional and even get inspired when you watch it.
I recommend this movie to musical, immersive, and drama lovers.
Written by Fatma İclal Ayçiçek
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