This blog is prepared for the Preparatory Class A and Class B in Sehit Haki Aras KAIH High School.
31 Aralık 2022 Cumartesi
Technology Is Very Important For Education
29 Aralık 2022 Perşembe
Is technology useful for our school life?
Technology is very useful in the school life. It's can ease everything! For instance, we can use Google for searching quickly. Or we can learn easier thanks to start boards. Also it's expedite everything, too. If I should give an example, some systems and apps expedite our homeworks. Like Canva. We can prepare quicklier our presentations thanks to Canva. In short, if we can't use technology we can't stay alive, either.
25 Aralık 2022 Pazar
22 Aralık 2022 Perşembe
Technology in education
We need technology in education. First of all,we don't have to long and more books with technology. For example, we use computers, smartboards, and so many devices and we have so many book files and videos in them. Secondly, we are using diffrent learning styles with technology. For instance, we can research our lesson to another teacher or book in the İnternet. For this reasons, technology is needed in education.
21 Aralık 2022 Çarşamba
Technology should be used more in education and sports
Technology should be used more in education and sports
I think that technology should be used more in these areas. First of all, the use of technology brings us more success in these areas, also makes these achievements faster and easier. And because people are lazy today, I think they will agree with this idea. because they want to make things faster and easier
18 Aralık 2022 Pazar
Technology to better education
29 Kasım 2022 Salı
What does it mean to be polite?
When you ask someone to "what does it mean to be polite?" each person will have different but similar ideas. What about my idea? I think first step to being polite is use kind words. For instance when you have a mistake to someone, you should say you sorry about it and you should be kind. Second you should have good manners to other people.For example when you see your classmate on the street you can smile him/her then they smile to you too. Last but not least,for me respect as important as being kind they are match so if you want be polite you should be respectful to real first step.
Betül Adsay
28 Kasım 2022 Pazartesi
Hello Today I’m going to explain about “What does mean to be polite?”
Actually it varise from culture to culture
For example ;
In U.S. if you using left hand on dinner table you look kind but it isn’t reasonable in Turkey. If you go to U.S. you should use your left hand for polite.
Or if you want to abide by etiquette in Egypt you don’t discuss business ect.
To sum up “polite” has different meanings
When it is change country as the costumes change too.
Prep A
Polite Manners At A Visiting
There's some polite manners when you go a foreign house for visiting someone. I have three suggestions to say. First one is; Bring with you a dessert gift for dinner time. It's go to be tactful for hosts. The next one is you could help host's chores. While hosts are work for you, helping is compeletly kind manner for hosts. Last but definitely not least, DON'T enter every room in the house. Just don't do it because, it is pretty rude thing for hosts. They also have privacy and you cannot brake their privacy like this.
Written by Canan Kolay from Prep/B
What does it mean to be kind?
27 Kasım 2022 Pazar
What does it mean to be polite?
What does it mean to be polite
I think one of our most İMPORTANT behaviors is to be polite. Because if we are polite, We don't break hearts. Also nowadays we think politeness is difficult but it's not Hard to be polite for instance İt is polite to speak softly to People. What is more increases our mood and ımproves our well-being. To sum up everyone can be polite:)) it not Hard.
To be a kind person
If you want to be a kind person you will do something for peoples when you are in the bus you will don't annoy peoples they will use eco friendly products.They didnt use deodorants
What does it mean to be polite ?
What does it mean to be kind?Being polite is a subjective experession.Sometimes it different means in diffirent places .For example,like mark(👍)means great,ok in Western culture.But in South America,İraq,Afghanistan and Iran it means "move it".If I had to give another example,in most parts of the world it's rude to make eye contact with someone who's higer than you .But making eye contact in America is very important.Not making eye contact means you are rude and liar in America.The only constant is the word polite has good meaning and the word rude has bad meaning.
Hello everyone. Today's topic is "what does it mean to be polite". I think polite is very important behavior. Politeness is knowing how to talk to people and how to behave. Also politeness different by country. So, before going to a country, it is useful to learn about their politeness and rudeness. For instance; It's forbidden to talk to strangers in public transportation in UK, even if you ask for a place directions. This is rudeness in UK. But one can ask someone for directions in Türkiye. This is politeness in Türkiye. To sum up; Politeness and rudeness varies to country.
Meryem Tuğba / Prep-A
What does it mean to be polite?
Politeness varies from country to country. For instance , everybody knows in Japanese, burping after eating means you like the food. Sounds weird and rude, doesn't it? If it was made in our country, the person who cooked the food would beat us..Anyway, let's not get off topic. Here is another example, In China, the gift opens after the person leaves, and for us, we opens standing up before he even hugs us xd. This is exactly why we should do some research on its customs before going to a country.
Necibe N. Demir
What does it mean to be polite?
Being polite is different in every country, for example, a polite behavior for us may be different in other countries, or a polite behavior for them may be rude to us. I will answer the question of what it is like to be polite.I think being polite, respectful no matter what, not interrupting, making eye contact while talking etc.
To be Polite
What does it mean to be polite?
What does it mean to be polite
Thesedays people is very rude. I think it is related to be polite. To be kind very important. Because if a person kind everyone loves her i think.For example, if a people need help and you help him or her this people loves you and grateful to you or when you ara eating you are not smacking yor mouth or when you are in a crowded place you shouldn't shouting or something else So everyone will be happier. Like old times.and a favor never goes unreturned so always be kind and helpful
Politeness is important for us. But these days people don’t care about politeness. For this reason people sometimes have disagrements maybe fights. Being polite is having good manners. Not to using bad words. To be recpectful to the environment and people in public places. If people understand the impotance of being being polite, the world will be better.
Politeness is really important concept for us. Because in these days so many people have no idea about being polite. Or people think it is hard to be a polite person. But it is wrong. You can be polite by say Goodnight or Goodmorning. We just overrate it. Next time when you come across whit someone you know you can greet them whit smiling or greet them.
What Does It Mean "To Be Polite"
There is many cultural differences in each country. Politeness is one of the most important. Polite behavior differs in each country, so if you will visit another country, you should learn the polite manners of that country. For instance, in Western, people eat as silently as possible. Making noise while eating is rude for them. But in China, if they slurp their food it means "This is really delicious". Let's give another example, in U.S, it is okay to leave a tip for waiters, however, in Japan it means "Here's some extra cash because you really need it as you are not very good at your job." In short, before you go abroad, you should learn the polite manners of the country so that you don't have difficulty.
What Does It Mean To Be Polite ?
26 Kasım 2022 Cumartesi
What is the to be polite?
What does it mean to be polite?
Politeness is a kind of rules that differs from country to country. Let's compare America and Türkiye. For example, In America it is not rude to enter the house with shoes on , In Türkiye, it is considered rude to enter the house with shoes on. Now let's look at the way you eat with your right and left hands. For instances, While it is allowed to eat with both hands in America, it is considered rude to eat with the left hand in Türkiye.
In short, politeness differs from country to country. Before you go to another country, you should learn the polite manners of that country because polite behavior in our country can be considered bad there. My guess is you don't want to come off as rude.
Thank you, for reading
Reyhan Bayırkan
2 Kasım 2022 Çarşamba
Frog Café
I will open a frog Café.Because my favoriye animal is the frog.I will sell green coffees,green desert,frog shaped hamburgers and green snacks at the frog cafe.There is also a section in the cafe where you can look at frogs.I will use the color green in my cafe.Because green makes me feel safe.So customers can feel the comfort of their home.
I am sure you will like my cafe.I'm waiting for you all.
31 Ekim 2022 Pazartesi
Book cafe
Book Cafe
This cafe has books everywhere and sweets in the form of books. Of course, anyone can buy any book they want and read it. There is peace and happiness in this cafe. Customers who come to the cafe do not leave before at least 1 hour. This cafe is the cafe of happiness
This is my hello kitty cafe. There are many pink table and chair .There are hello kitty pattern on the tables .There are many pink drinks , pink cookies , pink cakes and pink ...
Pink is symbolize inner beauty , friends and sweet. I like pink color. when ı see pink colors ı feel happy.
Bed Cafe
I will open the Bed Cafe.The Bed Cafe is very comfortable because it is an area with beds. There are different colors inside the bed cafe. These are blue, black, pink, purple, yellow. Colors make me feel different feelings.Sample black makes me feel safe. Blue makes me feel relaxed and peaceful. Pink makes me feel cheerful and happy. Yellow makes me feel energized and excited. Purple makes me feel good and happy.
28 Ekim 2022 Cuma
Today, l talk about the space Cafe. I Will
open the thematic Cafe. This Cafe Will name
İs space Cafe. Enjoying coffee in space.
And information about space everywhere.
I think space lovers Will love it.
I Will use blue color because blue space
Color. The blue freedom and peace.
I Will wait for the space lovers. 😊😊
Hello dear readers. Today I talk about the"Coffee Break". I will open the coffee shop. This shop will name is Coffee Break. I think a lot of people love to drink coffee. There are lots of coffee variety. The Coffee Break will have different culture coffee and peoples prefer the Coffee Break. I will use the brown because the brown is color of coffee. The brown is represent the robustness, power and trust. I will wait for you in the Coffee Break :)
Meryem Tuğba / Prep-A
ENU Forest Cafe
ENU Forest Cafe
I will run a forest cafe.First,I will paint 🎨 wall brown 🤎 (Because it make me relax .When I see them,I remember tree 🌴and plant 🌱)and I will draw tree 🌴 bark pattern on the walls.Second ,I will put wood high arbour in my cafe.I will put plants🌱 and tree 🌲 very much.I put some animal.For example red parrot 🦜❤️(Because red ♥️ make me happy 😊) ,gray cat 😺🌫️(Because gray make me brave).Finally,I will paint 🎨 outer walls green 🟢 (Because green make me energetic )and brown 🟤.I will prepare a beautiful ENU Forest Cafe.
Autumn Cafe
My cafe's name will be "Autumn Cafe"
In the cafe be many tables and chairs. Their color will be orange. Because orange symbolizes happiness and courage. I'll paint the walls dark green. All kinds of foods and drinks will be sold there. There will be shelves on the walls and little flowers on the shelves. So I will create an autumn atmosphere.
23 Ekim 2022 Pazar
"Tsundoku Books"
My company's name will be "Tsundoku Books".
Tsundoku word means someone who is a book lover and collects so many books. I will use blue and white colors on my businness icon. Because blue and white symbolizes comfort and peace. And my businness will have cute tables to read books and drink some beverages.
T. N. T. ( The New Technology)
My business name will be "The New Technology" but I will use T. N. T. because the short names is more interesting for people. I think the colors will be blue and white for people thinks its safe and clear. Then my business products will be the latest technology items. For instance computers, phones, televisions and similar things like that. I hope people prefer my business to other business because I will work hard for it.
Betül Adsay
Turquo Bank
I will establish a bank. I will use turquois, white and black for this bank. Because these colors are easy, elite, dependable, modern, relaxing and comfortable. Also these are feel me safey.
Beauty & Purity
Fresh Smells
My future company's name is ''Fresh Smells''. It will be a perfume shop. I'll make my own natural perfumes. They won't have heavy odors. I'll make them from real fruit extracts or something like that. I won't use harmful substances in my perfumes. So everyone can use them without worry. I'll use pastel colors in my labels. I will pay close attention to the choice of colors on my labels and I'll choose the color that best reflects the scent of the perfume.I'll pay attention to my customer's proposals.I will improve myself based on the comments received.
My veterinary clinic
I want to open a veterinary clinic when I
grow up because I love animals very much.
My clinic animals will be taking care of very well and animals be adopted by good people
And my clinic name is "LOVANİ" it means love animals. Please love and care animals😽
grow up because I love animals very much.
My clinic animals will be taking care of very
Remarkable Cafeto
My business name is "Remarkable Cafeto". Usually to sell beverage drink but beside is sweet containing it cafe. There is in the logo colors blue, yellow and green.The reason I use these colors is because there is a psychology that each color affects. I used yellow color on the walls. Yellow is most taking attention color because, to customers a give joy, excitement and inspiration. If blue is having is relaxing. At the same time represent liberty and infinity. Lastly, the green color indicates that the customers are peaceful and safe.
22 Ekim 2022 Cumartesi
My Dream Library
İn the future i wanna open a library and color selection is important because colors have an effect on people. For instance i will use white and other colors combine with white for walls
because plain colors are boring. The books on the shelves will be arranged according to color harmony. There will also be stairs for short people and finally coffee will be FREE to attract customers.
Colorful Candies Cafe
My Own Cloth Store: Kids in Trend
Kids in Trend is a clothing brand that produces clothes for kids. It takes care to produce trendy clothes that will attract the attention of kids. It aims to make customers feel purity, confidence, compassion and happiness with the blue, pink and yellow colors it use in its advertisements and often in its clothes. Kids in Trend attaches importance to using healthy materials in its products. It is possible to see the text of "made of 100% bamboo yarn" on the label of a cloth. Kids in Trend aims to be a brand that kids love and parents will be satsified, with affordable products it produces by combining kids' favourite colors with trend.
my korean "jkz" food store!
My Own Store: HONESTAS
I believe that when we want to buy something, we need to trust. I will have a store you can trust. My store is a iconic clothing store. It's name is "Honestas". It means "honesty" in Latin. Honestas is cosy and socialite. Besides, this name will symbolize mission of my store. To show, there will be high quality dresses and clothes, reliable staff and peaceful atmosphere. In addition my colours for store are blue and purple. Last but not least, you will feel rich and tranquil when you shop "Honestas".
⇢Written by Canan from prep/B⇠21 Ekim 2022 Cuma
Being a Student is Very Tough
Today, I'm going to talk about the difficulties of being a student for some basic reasons. First of all, I will talk about the multitude of homework given. To exemplity teans of pages of homework are given from just one course. However we don'tjust have one lesson, we have more than ten lessons. Secondly, the number of courses in increasing everyday. In other words, subjest that require memorization, notebooks to be bought, so everything is increasing. In summary, it is very difficult to be a student for such reasons.
Now I will introduce you to Balıkesir. There are many places visit and see first of all you should definitely go to kazdag. İt is a must see place one of the place . İ would recommend is the erdek sea because it very beautiful and waveless and there are many islands there are many holiday opportunities on the islands. marble is made on the island of balıkesir .Thanks for reading
20 Ekim 2022 Perşembe
Theater is my favorite activity. I think
Uniform Is Not Necessary
I think school uniform is not necessary for students.Firstly, uniform is very expensive.Furhermore, when it's dirty ,you can't wear other clothes.Because it is compulsory. Secondly, school's aim is learning something,the goal is not to wearing uniform.I think all wearing clothes by students ,is a school uniform.To sum up, students don't need uniform.
Climate Change
Climate change is the very important . Because it affect everyone. So we use clean energy. Example clean energy; sun , wind, wave like this. When we get to these the word will be more beatiful. Glaciers will not melt, natural disasters will decrease the word will be in order. Let's pay attention to our number for a better world.
Thank you for reading
The Jellyfishes
Hello dear readers. Today I explain to "The Jellyfish". Firstly; we usually hate the jellyfishes. Because it is disturb in the sea. But th jellyfishes is an interesting animals. Secondly; it look like is splayed and similar the umbrella. Thirdly; the jellyfish doesn't have brain and heart. Is it interesting? Some jellyfishes has eyes. Some jellyfishes doesn't have eyes. The jellyfishes get on the overland,it is starts to evaporation then disappear. This is sad. Because their body's covered 98% with water. To sum up; the jellyfishes is an interesting animals.
Meryem Tuğba / Prep A
Some Endangered Animals
Karate is a favorite sports. Karate players are hard. For example they crazy in the match. They get injured in the match .
Than wear hands and feet. Than karate players are strong and flex. I think don't bother than. To sum up karate sport is dangerous.
Stranger Things
19 Ekim 2022 Çarşamba
In my opinion money is not enough for peace or something like this. For instance we are all know Sakıp Sabancı, he is founder the SABANCI HOLDING. And he has a son and he is a disabled man. They have a lot of cars factory in Turkiye.But he can't give a simple car to his son.To sum up, ı think money is not peace.
Tuba Yeknur Seven
Benefits of Music
Music is indispensable for most people, but what are the benefits of music? Firstly, music is good for the heart. Secondly music decrease the pain. To me, music is the best painkiller. Furthermore music is useful for those who want to learn a foreign language. In brief listen to music and be good. 🎵🥰
Fatıma Betül Kaya Prep A
18 Ekim 2022 Salı
Robert Downey and Success Story

16 Ekim 2022 Pazar
Why do I want to be a doctor?
Why do I want to be a doctor? Actually, I wanted to be a teacher when I was little, but later I changed my mind because when I watched the"MUCİZE DOKTOR".
One of the most important things: Reading Books
I think reading books is the one of the most important things. You can find and learn everything with books. You can be friends with books. You can dream everything you want with books. If you dont have nothing to do, you can read books. If you have books, i think you are not lonely. I think Books are a uniquely portable magic and precious treasure. Everyone understands different things from a book. I think this is the most important thing. If you read a lot, you can do whatever you want. Margaret Fuller said that , "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. "
Useful or Not
Technology is often useful but sometimes harmful to me. Firstly, it's make addict. For instance I writing a blog but if I did surf in the social media I can forgot this homework. Secondly, if you use technology so much you can unhealthy. For example rediation emitted by electronic devices are a big problem. The last but not least it's make forgot thinking. It's make be ease everything so we don't anything. Technology is not completely useful it's have harm so much. Be careful when use it, please.
The Story Of Genshin İmpact
Do you want to learn about our journey in Genshin İmpact? Then, read carefully.
In this game, we are one of the twins. We travel from world to world. But one day, in Tevyat, an Unknown God suddenly came and tried to stop us. She attacked us with her cubes.
Technology Is Very Important For Education
Technology helps us a lot in education. Instead of searching for hours from many books, we can easily find the information we want thanks ...
Now I will introduce you to Balıkesir. There are many places visit and see first of all you should definitely go to kazdag. İt is a must se...
One day, a dog came to our building of its own free will. We didn't choose it, it chose us. We were scared when it first came...
My favourite person is Marinette. She is a Cartoon Character. She is studying to be a fashion designer and I really admire her. ...