27 Kasım 2022 Pazar

What Does It Mean "To Be Polite"

 There is many cultural differences in each country. Politeness is one of the most important. Polite behavior differs in each country, so if you will visit another country, you should learn the polite manners of that country. For instance, in Western, people eat as silently as possible. Making noise while eating is rude for them. But in China, if they slurp their food it means "This is really delicious". Let's give another example, in U.S, it is okay to leave a tip for waiters, however, in Japan it means "Here's some extra cash because you really need it as you are not very good at your job." In short, before you go abroad, you should learn the polite manners of the country so that you don't have difficulty.


                                                                                                                      WRITTEN BY HANİFE İMRAN ŞAHİN  

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