29 Kasım 2022 Salı

What does it mean to be polite?

 When you ask someone to "what does it mean to be polite?"  each person will have different but similar ideas. What about my idea? I think first step to being polite is  use kind words. For instance when you have a mistake to someone, you should say you sorry about it and you should be kind. Second you should have good manners to other people.For example when you see your classmate on the street you can smile him/her then they smile to you too. Last but not least,for me respect as important as being kind they are match so if you want be polite you  should be respectful to real first step.

                                                                  Betül Adsay


28 Kasım 2022 Pazartesi

  Hello Today I’m going to explain about “What does mean to be polite?”

Actually it varise from culture to culture

For example ;

In U.S. if you using left hand on dinner table you look kind but it isn’t reasonable in Turkey. If you go to U.S. you should use your left hand for polite.

Or if you want to abide by etiquette in Egypt you don’t discuss business ect.

To sum up “polite” has different meanings 

When it is change country as the costumes change too.



Prep A

Polite Manners At A Visiting

         There's some polite manners when you go a foreign house for visiting someone. I have three suggestions to say. First one is; Bring with you a dessert gift for dinner time. It's go to be tactful for hosts. The next one is you could help host's chores. While hosts are work for you, helping is compeletly kind manner for hosts. Last but definitely not least, DON'T enter every room in the house. Just don't do it because, it is pretty rude thing for hosts. They also have privacy and you cannot brake their privacy like this.

                                            Written by Canan Kolay from Prep/B

What does it mean to be kind?

                WHAT DOES İT MEAN TO BE POLİTE ?

Hello. Today I will tell you what it means to be kind. First of all, its dictionary meaning is the behavior exhibited by an individual who pays attention to human sensitivities in their social relations, values ​​them and obeys the rules of etiquette. To speak in a thin voice and to be polite is not femininity. It is ignoring people when necessary.

People are starting to be rude now. For example, when you share an item, they don't even say "thank you👍" anymore. Thank you is a courtesy and a polite word. But it is not used much nowadays. But no matter what, don't give up on being polite...

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Hazırlık -A

27 Kasım 2022 Pazar

What does it mean to be polite?

It's a little hard to explain because it's changing people to people. Cultures and traditions affect it. For instance, personal space larger than normal in the Korea and in the most Asian Country. But in the USA it's not like that. People are closer while talking to each other. Another instance, greeting. We are hugging for greeting in our country but in the Thailand, people are folding their hands and bowing. As can be seen from these examples, politeness changing to country to country and polite manners can changing for every country.
What Does It Mean To Be Polite 
Being polite varies from person to person, city to city, and even country to country.But although it is something that changes from culture to culture, it is very important in all places.For example, yelling at someone across the street is considered rude here, while in Spain it is quite normal. Because they like noise.For intance,ıf you don't go to a meeting on time in Germany, that person will cut off contact with you. Whereas in Turkey, people are famous for being late.As a final example, in Russia, people don't make eye contact with strangers unless it's absolutely necessary, they don't talk to them and don't even smile at them. In most other countries, it's the opposite, it's very rude not to make eye contact when talking to people.As a result, the lines of politeness and rudeness are very different in every culture in every country. which means "what does it mean to be polite?" The answer to the question varies depending on the city we ask and the culture of the place.

   Tuba Yeknur Seven Prep-B 

What does it mean to be polite

 I think one of our most İMPORTANT behaviors is to be polite. Because if we are polite, We don't break hearts. Also nowadays we think politeness is difficult but it's not Hard to be polite for instance İt is polite to speak softly to People. What is more increases our mood and ımproves our well-being. To sum up everyone can be polite:)) it not Hard. 

To be a kind person

 If you want to be a kind person you will do something for peoples when you are in the bus you will don't annoy peoples they will use eco friendly products.They didnt use deodorants

What does it mean to be polite ?

 What does it mean to be kind?Being polite is a subjective experession.Sometimes it different means in diffirent places .For example,like mark(👍)means great,ok in Western culture.But in South America,İraq,Afghanistan and Iran it means "move it".If I had to give another example,in most parts of the world it's rude to make eye contact with someone who's higer than you .But making eye contact in America is very important.Not making eye contact means you are rude and liar in America.The only constant is the word polite has  good meaning and the word rude has bad meaning.

                                                    What does it mean to be kind ?


Not to use bad words (swearing)


                 To be respectful



         To be helpful 


Not to speak loud 



 Hello everyone. Today's topic is "what does it mean to be polite". I think polite is very important behavior. Politeness is knowing how to talk to people and how to behave. Also politeness different by country. So, before going to a country, it is useful to learn about their politeness and rudeness. For instance; It's forbidden to talk to strangers in public transportation in UK, even if you ask for a place directions. This is rudeness in UK. But one can ask someone for directions in Türkiye. This is politeness in Türkiye. To sum up; Politeness and rudeness varies to country. 

                                                                                                          Meryem Tuğba / Prep-A

What does it mean to be polite?

Politeness varies from country to country. For instance , everybody knows in Japanese, burping after eating means you like the food. Sounds weird and rude, doesn't it? If it was made in our country, the person who cooked the food would beat us..Anyway, let's not get off topic. Here  is another example, In China, the gift opens after the person leaves, and for us, we opens standing up before he even hugs us xd. This is exactly why we should do some research on its customs before going to a country.

Necibe N. Demir

What does it mean to be polite?

 Being polite is different in every country, for example, a polite behavior for us may be different in other countries, or a polite behavior for them may be rude to us. I will answer the question of what it is like to be polite.I think being polite, respectful no matter what, not interrupting, making eye contact while talking etc. 

To be Polite

To be polite is important for human relationships and important to respect each other. Kind person is honest smiles and forgiving so we have to be polite. For instance if someone is telling us something we should listen or we can say hello when see someone we know . To sum up if we are polite person people respect us and we live peacefully.

Zeynep Yakup 

What does it mean to be polite?

Nowadays most people can answer this question "what does it mean to be polite?". Most people will give almost the same answers:Be helpful, respectful, sensitive etc. So I think everybody knows what does it mean to be polite. But most people don't do what they know about politeness. We have to change that. Because being polite is most helpful to everyone. For example,  if you're polite,most people will like you so you won't be lonely. Another example is  if the people around you are polite, they will help you when you need. To conclude, life will be easier if people are polite so we should be polite.

Fatıma Betül Kaya Prep A 

What does it mean to be polite


Thesedays people is very rude. I think it is related to be polite. To be kind very important. Because if a person kind everyone loves her i think.For example, if a people need help and you help him or her this people loves you and grateful to you or when you ara eating you are not smacking yor mouth or when you are in a crowded place you shouldn't shouting or something else So everyone will be happier. Like old times.and a favor never goes unreturned so always be kind and helpful

By Melike AKBIYIK 


 Politeness is important for us. But these days people don’t care about politeness. For this reason people sometimes have disagrements maybe fights. Being polite is having good manners. Not to using bad words. To be recpectful to the environment and people in public places. If people understand the impotance of being being polite, the world will be better. 


                        WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE POLITE

Politeness is really important concept for us. Because in these days so many people have no idea about being polite. Or people think it is hard to be a polite person. But it is wrong. You can be polite by say Goodnight or Goodmorning. We just overrate it. Next time when you come across whit someone you know you can greet them whit smiling or greet them. 

What Does It Mean "To Be Polite"

 There is many cultural differences in each country. Politeness is one of the most important. Polite behavior differs in each country, so if you will visit another country, you should learn the polite manners of that country. For instance, in Western, people eat as silently as possible. Making noise while eating is rude for them. But in China, if they slurp their food it means "This is really delicious". Let's give another example, in U.S, it is okay to leave a tip for waiters, however, in Japan it means "Here's some extra cash because you really need it as you are not very good at your job." In short, before you go abroad, you should learn the polite manners of the country so that you don't have difficulty.


                                                                                                                      WRITTEN BY HANİFE İMRAN ŞAHİN  

                          What Does It Mean To Be Polite ?

being polite can changes from country to country or from culture to culture so we can not say only one thing about it but of course there is some rules you should obey it in every country for intance: you can not throw trash it is a rule and there is no culture think that is a good behavior but for instance : if someone gives you a present when you should open it ? some behaviors like this can changes from culture to culture for example: in the united states if someone gives you a gift you should open it when they are with you but in china you should open it after they gone to conclude you can not say one thing about to be polite because  it changes.

     by Ranim

26 Kasım 2022 Cumartesi

What is the to be polite?

Nowadays people is very rude.Also older people says"Where is the old days?". I think it is related to be polite.Because if people to be kind, everything is resolved. To be kind very important. For example, if everyone is helpful there is no such think as poverty in the world. So everyone will be happier. Like old times.Also if everyone to be kind, leaves a good impression to tourists.It is important for country. So mean of the to be kind; means a better world, happier children and peaceful older people.To sum up,if we want a better world we must be kind
                                             Süeda DILBIRLIGI   Prep A

What does it mean to be polite?

 Politeness is a kind of rules that differs from country to country. Let's compare America and Türkiye. For example,  In America it is not rude to enter the house with shoes on , In Türkiye,  it is considered rude to enter the house with shoes on. Now let's look at the way you eat with your right and left hands. For instances, While it is allowed to eat with both hands in America, it is considered rude to eat with the left hand in Türkiye.

In short, politeness differs from country to country. Before you go to another country, you should learn the polite manners of that country because polite behavior in our country can be considered bad there. My guess is you don't want to come off as rude.


Thank you, for reading

Reyhan Bayırkan

2 Kasım 2022 Çarşamba

Frog Café

 I will open a frog Café.Because my favoriye animal is the frog.I will sell green coffees,green desert,frog shaped hamburgers and green snacks at the frog cafe.There is also a section in the cafe where you can look at frogs.I will use the color green in my cafe.Because green makes me feel safe.So customers can feel the comfort of their home.

I am sure you will  like my cafe.I'm waiting for you all.

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