13 Haziran 2022 Pazartesi

Job in My Dream

 Hı guys! I am Melissa and I am gonna write about my dream job. I am fourteen and I like taking photos and also I like taking photos the people. Then i like share photos on social media. 

Also I love acting and imitate especially i like actress. 

So in the future i want to be actress. Because I am talented in the acting. Or I want to be photographer because i said that I like taking pictures. 

    Hayrunnisa Çankaya 


I am gonna talk about BurgerKing 🍔. I have gone in BurgerKing a few times. Yes I like burger and Burgerking. But of course BurgerKing has wrong.
Firstly there are BurgerKing in everywhere. If you get hungry you should find some restaurant but most probably you'll find BurgerKing. It's so good features. Secondly BurgerKing cheaper the others fastfood restaurant. But sometimes its so crowded. But its very normal I think. 
        Hayrunnisa Çankaya 

My dream job

I don't know what I will be in the future also i don't have any expectations about what I want to be. But i think i'm inclined to be a psychiatrist. I know that there are two type of pain the physical one and the psychological one sometimes psychological side will hurts the human more than physical. Talking with someone about yourself your feelings your fear and that one will understand what are you want to explain and support you with words not only words there is also medicine. I know that there some people who don't believe the psychiatrist or making fun of people who said that they have a depression or mental illness but we have to a admit that some of mental illness have effect more then physical pain on human. farah omran

12 Haziran 2022 Pazar


 Best coffee shop: Starbucks

 Do you like going to the cafe? If you like Starbucks you need to know. You can drink a lot of coffee and cold drinks there. They have flashy and different delicious coffees. You can also have dessert. It is a very popular place. If you have to work, you can work here for hours with your coffee. It has a calm atmosphere. Starbucks is almost everywhere now. It's easy for you to go to him. Don't forget to go to Starbucks.

 Büşra DEMİR.  


 Cruel lion

Once upon a time, in a forest, there was a monstrous lion. He sheds a lot of blood, we didn't hurt him, he wouldn't leave a single animal. As long as he lived, no animal could find rest. All the animals hated him, waiting for his death. This cruel lion has finally aged. He has no strength left. When the teeth in his mouth fell out, it became everyone's mascara. No animals were helping him or talking to him. The animals sat down and made a decision one day; "Come together, let's beat this cruel lion who has done us so much harm. So that he can bury the punishment for what he has done, even if it is a little." Finally, all the animals attacked the lion. They pretty much beat him. One horns, the other doubles, another bites. Like this; they took a terrible vengeance from the lion.             

    Büşra DEMİR.

Film Review

 The Harry Potter movie series is a world-renowned series. Written by J.K. Rowling. It has been adapted into 8 movies, 7 books. It is loved by a huge audience.

 The story begins with the orphan Harry learning that his parents are wizards. His school life begins with going to Hogwarst School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. There he makes two close friends, Ron and Hermione. The series continues with the battle of the famous Harry Potter and the evil wizard Lord Voldemor

There are dark wizards, ghosts, witches, professors, changing stairs, an enchanted forest in the movie. These add incredible atmosphere to the series

If you like magic and fantasy, you should definitely read and watch the Harry Potter series. .tes.  

                                                 Büşra Demir.

8 Haziran 2022 Çarşamba

The Ant And The Grasshopper

 One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants was bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out the grain they had stored up during the summer, when a starving Grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat.

"What!" cried the Ants in surprise, "Haven’t you stored anything away for the winter? What in the world were you doing all last summer?"

"I didn’t have time to store up any food." whined the Grasshopper; "I was so busy making music that before I knew it the summer was gone."

The Ants shrugged their shoulders in disgust.

"Making music, were you?" they cried. "Very well; now dance!" And they turned their backs on the Grasshopper and went on with their work.

When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger – while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

"There’s a time for work and a time for play."

7 Haziran 2022 Salı

Jasper National Park

One of Canada's wildest places, Jasper National Park provides kaleidoscopic panoramas at every turn. Travelers can marvel at many views as they trek from the peaks of Mount Edith Cavell to the caverns of Maligne Canyon. Located on the eastern edge of Alberta, the park serves as a beacon for adventurers in the Northern Hemisphere. Jasper boasts the distinction of being the largest park in the Canadian Rockies and was designated part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with Banff and a handful of additional parks. With more than 2.7 million acres of land to explore, travelers are sure to spot animals ranging from caribou to wolverine to moose. The park offers all the natural wonders you'd expect, including mountains and rivers and even glaciers, but the town of Jasper elevates the park's possibilities. In addition to serving as a convenient base camp, Jasper provides a variety of tours and excursions for travelers to utilize. Not to mention, winter in Jasper means travelers can enjoy cold-weather activities like skiing in Marmot Basin or snowshoeing through the backcountry. No matter the season, there's always a reason to visit Jasper. Farah omran


 Free Guy

A film Free Guy :  a game that is popular and all players have each skins but there a one skin that is not usable . And this skin just think lime a real player. One of yhe mans stoled a code of the game and induce him like the owner of it. It is  a really exciting film . It filmed in 2021. This film is a science fiction and action. Shawn levy directed this film . The stars of it :Matt lieberman , Zak Penn.

This film is one of the best films I've seen recently. It is funny and full of action . And it is a b amazing way to spend an evening with you friends . The acting and music effect is wonderful . You feel like you live in the film.

All in all , I really like  the film and recommend it to everybody action and comedy films.

Opinion paragraf 2


   Traveling abone is not make sense but it has a lot of reasons that you when learn it you will try traveling alone. When you travel with your friend you can argue with her and you May not agree with each other.  So traveling alone give you the freedom to make everything you want . Also you can try living alone because it will be a time that you won't find a friend to talk with Her. So you should adapt your self to living alone or having fun alone . Definitely you will spend a different time and you will have more fun.To sum up , I think all the people should try it and they will have a different atmosphere  

Technology Is Very Important For Education

  Technology helps us a lot in education. Instead of searching for hours from many books, we can easily find the information we want thanks ...